mardi 4 janvier 2011


antique wagashi mold
Originally uploaded by cgfan
"A l'an que ven se sian pas mai, 
 que siguen pas men"

Hello everyone !
I wish you an happy new year 2011. May your dreams come true.
Like every month, i wanted to put some monthly wagashi, to illustrate this new year, but i couldn't find a January wagashi that pleased me. And since it's winter, I thought of showing you instead wagashi wooden molds. They are used for a particular type of wagashi, the "higashi" (dried/hard wagashi).

Illustration from the blog ii-ne-kore

All of them are always beautiful, and can be used in decoration, like we do in France with our old butter molds.

I found it in this blog, Tokyo Jinja, but it seems it's been taken from a book Japan: The Art of Living : A Sourcebook of Japanese Style for the Western Home, by Amy Katoh.
Hope I'll find some when i'll be in Japan.

May 2011 be as beautiful & delicious as a wagashi.
Since I just noticed that I forgot to display the December wagashi, I'll use it for this New Year, this so beautiful camellia flower. Hope your year will be like that, velvety, smooth and fluffy, but with great events, like the neat folds of this camellia - both natural and aesthetic (in french i'd say "stylé") at the same time.

December wagashi
Originally uploaded by bananagranola (busy)

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